Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ 7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation

7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation

7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation

7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The inaugural publication of the 7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In Vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation in 2010 provided readers with a spectacular source of ultra-high resolution images revealing a wealth of details of the brainstem and midbrain structures. This second edition contributes additional knowledge gained as a result of technologic advances and recent research. To facilitate identification and comparison of brain structures and anatomy, a detailed coordination matrix is featured in each image. Updated axial, sagittal, and coronal images are also included. This state-of-the-art and user-friendly reference will provide researchers and clinicians with important new perspectives.

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7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correlation EPub

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