Brain Tattoos: Creating Unique Brands That Stick in Your Customers' Minds by Karen Post, Jeffrey H. Gitomer, Michael Tchong
Brain Tattoos: Creating Unique Brands That Stick in Your Customers' Minds by Karen Post, Jeffrey H. Gitomer, Michael Tchong PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Effective branding depends on the ability to leave a lasting (and positive) impression in the mind of the target audience. Brain Tattoos offers a practical approach -- no complicated theories, marketing jargon, or unnecessary babble -- that lets any business take its brand to the next level. Packed with tools that help readers identify their brand's purpose, personality, promise, and point of difference, Brain Tattoos will help readers: * Develop the courage to break the mold and become truly distinct * Discover ways to enlist customers and others as ""brand ambassadors"" * Grasp their brand's essence * Master brand building on any scale in any industry * Learn how to identify and use the most effective methods of brand communication * Learn how to leverage limited resources creatively Filled with creative ways to maximize market impact, Brain Tattoos is a true ""how-to"" book written with in-the-trenches business and marketing people in mind."From reader reviews:
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